Celebrate All The Seasons With The Quattro Stagioni

Our latest special is perfect for every season, introducing the Quattro Stagioni (Four Seasons)!
This quintessential Neapolitan pizza celebrates ingredients from each season on one pizza. This classic pizza can be found on the menu of every pizzeria in Naples, and we are also serving the pizza in its classic form where the toppings are dividend into quadrants separated with dough, with no co-mingling.
The pizza starts out as a classic Margherita - pomodoro, basil and fresh mozzarella, and then is topped with each "season". For Spring, Artichokes which run rampant in Southern Italy. Summer is represented by Olives. Mushrooms capture an Italian Fall. And finally, for Winter, we have ham that has been set in the larder for the cool months ahead.
One pizza, Four Seasons....
Let's celebrate them together!